"Key Attributes and Characteristics"
Faculty and student management

Through A2A, keeping the list of students and faculty updated at all times is so much simpler. As new batches come in and as students move from one batch to other, the management will always have the latest and that one single correct list of students. Generate the list specialization wise or caste category wise. Get all demographics on the students as required for the various auditing bodies. Similarly, for faculty, get the latest list of core and visiting faculty working in the institute. Get the details such as highest qualification, papers published, conferences attended etc for each faculty
Fees collection and payment gateway integration

Admission-to-alumni (A2A) ERP system is a one-stop destination for all your fees management needs. Right from admission form fees, year-on-year course fees, partial fees payments, miscellaneous fees payment etc and the system has provision of instant notification to the student about the payment status including receipt generation. The system allows for payment gateway integration and thus provides a seamless experience to the students. There are extensive reports generated detailing out every transaction made, the balance fees remaining etc that help the institute to stay updated regarding their fees status.
Admission form and admission process

Take anonymous faculty feedback as per your institute’s template from the students. Open the feedback as per your academic calendar. Get the feedback analysis with excel sheets and graphs instantly from the system.Extend the feedback module to take feedback from external stakeholders such as parents, placement coordinators, recruiters etc.
ID card and Letter generation

Generate and keep track of all letters such as Bonafide letter, transference and transcipts through the system. Keep a history of all letters generated. Keep all formats ready in the system to generate letters as needed on a click of the button. It’s safe to generate ID card from the system as then you don’t have to send the student’s personal data to any graphics designer for designing the ID Card.
Result and Marksheet Generation (Internal and External evaluation)

Set credits, grades and SGPA ranges in the system and based on scores obtained for each student, generate resultsheet and the properly formatted marksheet. Each marksheet can be validated through a unique identification of the marksheet. Keep track of regular exams, re-exams, revaluations etc. Generate results based on individual passing in internals and externals or a combined passing in total. Generate results based on absolute grading or relative grading.
Learning management system with attendance management and continuous evaluation

Deliver more personalized and student-centric education with the help of our A2A system. This futuristic A2A learning and teaching management software system is capable of building a whole learning environment including • Creation of value added and certification courses • Sharing of class notes • Online assignments • QR Code based attendance management • Online tests • Continuous assessment
Subject management and student enrolment in subjects with extra credits and value-added courses

Its very easy to create new subjects and keep up with the changing curriculum through A2A. As per NEP 2020, create as many elective and mandatory subjects as the institute wants to offer. Students can choose their electives on their own or it can be done by the institute admin as per the institute’s policy. Add Extra credit and value added courses and generate certificates for them at the end of course completion.
CO-PO Attainment Calculation – Outcome Based Education

With the Indian higher education moving towards being outcome based, define the outcomes for each program and course. Set the bloom’s taxonomy levels for each topic and assessments defined in the curriculum. Have a variety of combinations for questions across the various assessments mapped to the course outcomes. As a faculty, your focus can be only on the teaching learning, and analysing the students’ understanding, while let the system do the mundane task of attainment calculations.
Feedback Management

Take anonymous faculty feedback as per your institute’s template from the students. Open the feedback as per your academic calendar. Get the feedback analysis with excel sheets and graphs instantly from the system. Extend the feedback module to take feedback from external stakeholders such as parents, placement coordinators, recruiters etc.
Library Management

Have goodness of the open source Koha Library Management system integrated with this system. Students and teachers will be able to move across the A2A ERP and Koha seamlessly through a single sign on. Generate reports about the library usage and the library fine from the system easily.